Connecting Lives, Inspiring Journeys.
Outreach & Campaigns

Wishing Well for Gilda's Club
Let us help them continue to give support to Barrie Citizens in need.
Items needed Kleenex, Garbage Bags, Paper Towels, Recycle Bags, Toilet Paper, Juice Boxes, Gift Cards (various vendors).

Sandwiches for Busby Centre
We often provide Sandwiches for the Busby Centre Van. Always looking for volunteers to help provide sandwiches.
November 3rd Sandwiches for Busby
How NWBUC helps in our community
Outreach and Social Justice Causes
We are an Affirming Church and support many LGBTQ+ causes in the community including participating in the Barrie Pride Parade each year.
Truth & Reconciliation
We are providing educational opportunities regarding Residential Schools and hosting a Blanket exercise
We are helping a family of five from Syria transition to life in Canada
Wishing Well
Each month we ask the congregation to donate items to support local organizations. We support:
- Food bank
- Youth Haven
- David Busby Centre
- Senior’s Christmas Wish
- Season’s Centre for Grieving Children
- Hospice Simcoe
- Georgian College Food Cupboard
- Women and Children’s Shelter
- Grove Park Home
- Elizabeth Fry Society
- Athena’s Sexual Assault
- Off the Rack
David Busby Centre
- Provide sandwiches for the Outreach Van Program
- Collect blankets, clothing, books, toiletries, etc.
Women and Children’s Shelter
Every year on giving Sunday the Sunday School families fill and donate stockings to the shelter for the children in transition
Christmas Cheer
- The Youth Group volunteered to help fill gift bags for children
Out of the Cold
- Provide Shepherd’s Pies to the program once a month from December to April
- Sunday School children made and donated pies
- For every child who is Baptised we provide a Bed Kit through Sleeping Children
World Vision
The Sunday School children help support a child from Dominican Republic through their weekly donations
Habitat for Humanity
- Helped paint a home
Izzy Dolls
- Made dolls to take on Mission trips to developing countries to give to children
Battery Collection
- Collect old, used batteries and recycle through Call 2 Recycle
Youth Group
- Participate in a 24 hour Famine to raise awareness and fundraise for a cause such as clean water, food security, and homelessness.