We have all had the experience of being in a store when an item on a shelf jumps out and screams, “buy me”! On a recent trip to a big box store, the above picture immediately caught my attention. It found its way into my shopping cart and now hangs inside my...
Thinking Out Loud
Paying Ceaser
For the first time in my life, I owe the government money after filing my taxes. The news came like a blow to the solar plexus. I’m used to getting a healthy refund at tax time, which I use to pay for my villa in France (kidding, the villa is in Portugal). I’m not...
The Eclipse That Was
My blogs are posted on Wednesdays, but I write them on Mondays. I am writing this blog as the solar eclipse is occurring outside of my window. By the time you read this, the eclipse will be history, and you will no longer have to hear phrases such as “the path of...