My Old Friend

My Old Friend

This week, the season of Advent begins.  Children will be cracking open calendars, shoppers will be checking items of their list, bakers will be baking, decorators will be up on ladders stringing lights, and the countdown to Christmas will ramp up a notch or two, or...

A Love Like No Other

A Love Like No Other

Last Sunday morning, I had a text from Lori telling me that our 13 year old golden retriever Chloe wasn’t well. She couldn’t stand on her own anymore. It was not really a surprise as her health had been declining, but it was still a shock. I was at the church getting...

Missing Linda

Missing Linda

Linda is leaving town!!  I was so sad to get the news this morning.  Apparently, she and her husband are moving to Huntsville to be closer to their granddaughter.  To be honest, I didn’t know she had a granddaughter, or a husband for that matter.  And until today, I...