Rev Phil
My Spider Friend

My Spider Friend

If you attend Northwest Barrie United Church, you may know that I have two jobs there. I am the minister, and I am also the guy in charge of changing the sign-out front of the church.  One of those jobs I do much better than the other!  We are in the process of...

Side By Side

Side By Side

Fall is a season for so many things, one of which is celebrating the harvest.  When I go walking or driving in the countryside around Barrie and see the combines out in the fields doing their thing, I try to offer a quick prayer of thanks for farmers, the heroes of...

When the Saints Go Marching In!

When the Saints Go Marching In!

On November 1st, 731, Pope Gregory III dedicated a chapel in Rome to honour all the early Christian saints.  From that time on, November 1st has been designated in the church as All Saints Day. While All Saints Day is not always celebrated in the United Church, for...